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Men's Health

Men's Health Armadale clinic.png

Men need regular health checks. ReCreation Medical Centre offers a comprehensive health service with a strong focus on the health issues encountered by men.


Medical check-ups help you stay healthy, talk about any concerns and pick up early warning signs of disease or illness. Diseases such as cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes and some cancers can often be picked up in their early stages, when treatment may minimise or prevent complications and progress.


High-risk groups in Australia

Australia ranks high in life expectancy rates. However, Australian men do not live as long as Australian women. On average, Australian men can expect to live 79 years, compared to Australian women who can expect to live 84 years.


Certain male population groups in Australia have a lower life expectancy than the average Australian man, including:


  • Australian Aborigine and Torres Strait Islander men

  • Migrant men

  • Men who live in rural and remote areas of Australia

  • Socially disadvantaged men

  • Men with disabilities

  • Men who are in prison

  • Non-heterosexual men, including gay, bisexual and transgender males

  • Intersex people.


Prioritise your health  

We offer sensitive medical care for issues specific to men including prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and mental health. When you book an appointment with us, you will be seen by Dr Mark Choong, who has a special interest in men’s health.

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